Author Guidelines
It requires concise, specific, accurate, and factual information to briefly show the reasons for the study, proposed solution, the method used, proposed contribution, research objectives to be achieved, results and conclusions, and highlight the difference/benefit it offers from a pre-existing method. Do not display procedure steps and citation sources. It should contain a maximum of 250 words. Remember it will be read first by the reader. This is your article advertising, make it as attractive as possible, and easy to understand.
INTRODUCTION [Heading of Section]
IJAIRTec which shall be henceforth called an IJAIRTec is the International journal, focusing on the exchange of information associated with information system technology applied to industries, governments, and universities throughout the world. It is established to publish papers discussing the design, development, test, implementation, and/or management of information system technology.
IJAIRTec publishes papers of research with results having contribution or novelty to the information system technology field, however, it is unlimited to Data Mining, Data Warehouse, Supply Chain Management, Game, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Information Retrieval, Network Security, Computer Network, Computer Applications, Decision Support System, Business intelligence, Expert System, Electronic Commerce, Government Information, Information Management, Algorithm, Image Processing, Vision Computing, Urban Informatics, Social and Natural Science, Internet of Things, etc. Novelty must be clearly included and the research gap must be made available to understand what the researcher proposes. Moreover, a journal can also be the results of a review but requires the author to have a doctorate degree and be skilled in articles to be reviewed based on the track record of publication and frequently conducted research
Each article must comply with the parametric style of these Register and templates as shown in the following categories
- Each page uses Mirror Margins, with top margin = 2,5 cm, outside = 2,5 cm, bottom = 2,5 cm and inside margin = 3 cm.
- The format includes the use of different first page as well as odd and even page such that if the page is odd, the page number should be on the top-right corner and if it is even, it should be on the left corner.
- The Header of the initial page includes the IJAIRTec logo, complete name of the journal, and ISSN of both online and offline versions. Moreover, the complete name of the IJAIRTec uses bold Century Gothic font 9.5 with blue color while ISSN uses black color with regular Century Gothic font at 8. However, the header of the next page contains the page number, ISSN, author’s information, name of IJAIRTec journal, volume, publication number, initial – end page using regular Century Gothic 9.5 in blue color. All the writings from the initial to end page use the same format.
- For the Footer, the title is on the left side while the address of Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is on the right side. Writing of the DOI address is the editor's job. Moreover, the second line contains identities of the publication year, publisher, and copyright. The Footer uses regular Century Gothic 7 font.
- Title contains maximally 20 words which are plain, informative, illustrating contents of research object problems, used method, and expected objectives. It must also have two languages like an abstract.
- The name of the author, when single, must be repeated, an example is only single word, Name, to have Name. First name and second name should not be abbreviated, without a degree. It means that article of the author, when filled by other authors, can be detected by indexing machine, such as Google Scholar.
- The contents of the article must use heading with regular Palatino Linotype 10 font.
- Single spaced.
- Minimal pages are 6 pages or 3,000 words overall[1], [2].
The Introduction should include the background starting from the general problems to specific ones, reasons for the object selected, previous research associated with the problems to be studied, solutions an author offers, contributions such as research gap (novelty, pioneer, original), proposed method, and expected objectives. Everything an author selects must explain reasons without leaving questions for the reader. All the pages must be full without empty or remaining space.
The system of references allowed is the IEEE style through the use of tool management references available to Microsoft Word. However, Mendeley or Zetero can also be used. Please cite using paraphrase because direct citation will be detected as plagiarism. Each citation must have a valid reference source with priorities on sources from international scientific journals with an indexed reputation of Scopus or Web of Science. If a national journal is only acknowledged using accredited journals included in S1 and S2 clusters in an indexing machine of Sinta journal belonging to Ristek Dikti. Ministry, avoid the incidence of excessive reference parades showing no direct association with scientific article substance.
Be sure that the sent article is a product of individual work, not being/has been in the publication process for other publishers. Each article will be checked for plagiarism by using iThenticate or Turnitin with a maximal limit of tolerance < 20%.
The content is associated with previous research conducted by the author. It minimally contains 5 sources of references in the Introduction and a minimum of 20 sources in all the contents. The sources must be obligated from journals and proceedings associated with your research and should be up to date, a maximum of five years from the day of publication. Journals and proceedings are mainly indexed by Scopus, Clarivate Analytics Web of Science (SCIE & SSCI), PubMed, DOAJ or database entries of IEEE, ACM, Proquest, CABI, Gale, and EBSCO. Please be sure that each of the references cited in texts is also available in the table of references (vice versa). Non-academic sources such as Wikipedia, blogs, or publications are not allowed.
The method is associated with the validity and reliability of the research results collected and reported in the scientific article. They are the reader’s instrument (reviewer) to evaluate whether methods (and materials/tools/models) used have been appropriate to obtain valid results. They are also used by the reader or other authors in the research scope to evaluate results critically or redo some part or all researches reported in the scientific articles using similar methods and processes included in the section. It is unnecessary to write what has been understood by researchers, in the specific research scope, However, the general equipment and tools used must be stated. Please provide chart/stage for each of the methods for both data collection and benchmarking to understand the success of the research conducted.
Table 1. Total datasets/class [Heading of Table][3]–[8]
Class | Training Data | Test Data |
Ring | 95 Images | 22 Images |
Corrosion | 58 Images | 15 Images |
Amount total | 286 images | 81 images |
If necessary, the illustration should be added and more details may be included by using figures or tables. Moreover, each figure, table, and equations must be numbered and explained in the article. The format for a Table is as shown in Table 1 above while the format for the Figure is shown in Figure 1 and function/equation/formula represented in Equation 1 and must be written through the use of the equation. Furthermore, the tables and equations should not be presented as an image to make it editable for the editor when reviewing the size and layout of the article. Any table obtained from another source must be re-made and cited accordingly. Moreover, the tables and figures should not be allocated to a separate page or column but embedded in the content of the article.
Example of Equation 1,
This section involves describing the results obtained from the research and drawing similarities and differences between the research and previous others from methods, data, and results. However, describe whether the problems have been researched successfully according to the objectives using the proposed methods. This should involve the description of the analysis conducted, cause and benchmark of success/failure, and the unfinished part of the research followed with the steps to be taken as follow up process.
This section involves the summary of findings without adding any new information from what has been stated in the previous sections. However, it should not be a word-for-word repetition of what has been discussed in the analysis and discussion section.
Deduction or conclusion is made from the previous description with the addition of argumentative personal opinion. It should also include the limitations of the research in terms of the process, the theory used, methods applied, or generalization of results which will serve as a foundation for further research. This section is also used to provide illustrations or recommendations for further research on the subject which serves as a response to the observed limitation. Moreover, the implications of the research must also be included.
[OPTIONAL]. This is used to appreciate the efforts of associate, who are not registered as co-authors, for their assistance and fund for your research/publication. Therefore, a standard note of ‘acknowledgment' is usually published in each article.
Works sent by authors are acknowledged but it is recommended that the reviewer decided by the editor gives valuable entries into each article to accelerate the review job due to the limited number of reviewers. The recommended reviewers can be listed at the end page after references because the review is conducted by a double-blind method.
References are made by using IEEE style [heading of contents) and must be at a minimum of 20 sources with 80% from indexed international journals of Scopus, Clarivate Analytics Web of Science (SCIE & SSCI), PubMed, DOAJ or database entries of IEEE, ACM, Proquest, CABI, Gale, EBSCO, accredited national journals of S1-S4. The remaining may come from indexed international proceedings of Scopus, Clarivate Analytics Web of Science (SCIE & SSCI), PubMed, DOAJ or database entries of IEEE, ACM, Proquest, CABI, Gale, EBSCO, Paten, and book of research results. References must be from 5 most recent years and most preferably 3 years.
[1] A. Lepskiy, “On the Stability of Comparing Histograms with Help of Probabilistic Methods,” Procedia - Procedia Comput. Sci., vol. 31, hal. 597–605, 2014.
[2] X. Ju, M. Cheng, Y. Xia, F. Quo, dan Y. Tian, “Support Vector Regression and Time Series Analysis for the Forecasting of Bayannur ’ s Total Water Requirement,” Procedia - Procedia Comput. Sci., vol. 31, hal. 523–531, 2014.
[3] A. Natalia, “Interaction of generation companies in the electricity market of,” Procedia - Procedia Comput. Sci., vol. 31, hal. 75–84, 2014.
[4] Y. Man, “Feature Extension for Short Text Categorization Using Frequent Term Sets,” Procedia - Procedia Comput. Sci., vol. 31, hal. 663–670, 2014.
[5] M. Sun, Z. Chen, dan Z. Fan, “A Multi-task Multi-kernel Transfer Learning Method for Customer Response Modeling in Social Media,” Procedia - Procedia Comput. Sci., vol. 31, hal. 221–230, 2014.
[6] M. Orlov dan B. Mirkin, “A concept of multicriteria stratification : a definition and solution,” Procedia - Procedia Comput. Sci., vol. 31, no. Itqm, hal. 273–280, 2014.
[7] W. Jiani dan M. Liu, “The Accuracy and Effectiveness of Securities Analysts ’ Pricing Forecast ü Empirical Research based on A-share IPOs,” Procedia - Procedia Comput. Sci., vol. 31, hal. 587–596, 2014.
[8] S. Sodsee, “Predicting Caesarean Section by Applying Nearest Neighbor Analysis,” Procedia - Procedia Comput. Sci., vol. 31, hal. 5–14, 2014.
[9] A. Maseleno, N. Tuah, dan C. R. Tabbu, “Fuzzy Logic and Dempster-Shafer Theory to Predict the Risk of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5n1 Spreading Computer Science Program , Universiti Brunei Darussalam , Faculty of Veterinary Medicine , Gadjah Mada University , Indonesia,” World Appl. Sci. J., vol. 34, no. 8, hal. 995–1003, 2016.
[10] A. Maseleno dan G. Hardaker, “Malaria detection using mathematical theory of evidence,” SJST, vol. 38, no. 3, hal. 257–263, 2016.